08 juni 2006

Smash the Pirate party and the lackeys of Rick Falconwing!

This blog is propagandist, spiteful, sometimes humorous and downright antifalconwing. It is to be taken at face value!

Sweden is a country on the verge of political upheavel. A recent mass survery shows that 1 in 7 youth would vote ultra right, another 1 in 20 would vote for the pirates, a party that openly rejects the UN universal declaration of rights of man. The election system is strictly proportional with slim changing majorities.

Rick Falconwing, previously a young conservative, started the Pirate party as a sort of private club in January of 2006. At the end of May Falconwing miraculosly managed to capitalize politically on a massive police raid on the server hall where The Pirate Bay was housed and on the arrest of three of Sweden's most notorious hackers slash net pirates slash ex male models. Slash personal friends of Falconwing. The Pirate party now stands a better than once-in-a-blue-moon chance of winning 16 or more seats in riksdagen after the general elections in September.

We can't stand for that! This blog does in the strategic perspective regard Falconwing a leftist opportunist and a paper tiger. We demand that he and his lackeys resign, and that any new seats in riksdagen are taken by true grit no shit people that would make a lasting difference if elected.